With two words or a total of 8 characters, ”Why War?” is among the shortest questions the human mind can design.
This brief question demands a complicated and meticulous answer beyond the capacity of a mind with an undeveloped personality, which means a mind without proper education cannot grasp the reasons behind the war.
The UDHR describe the characteristics of such proper education in Article 26:
”Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.”
The full development of the human personality demands a type of education which causes the full function of Homeostasis in humans. Such an Education is Wise Education, and the outcome of that Education is Wisdom.
Despite the annoying aspect of discovering that one is not wise or ”offensive aspect” being told by somebody else that one suffers ”full personality”, we must face this bitter reality: All humans are born with a malfunction in two-thirds of their Homeostasis. In other words, we have severe problems regulating our relationship fairly.
Accepting ”problems of regulating” as a reality is the first step toward curing it.
I did it many years ago, and now it is time for others to confess to their Homeostasis malfunctions.
I am sorry that revealing that reality upsets you. To live in peace, we must ”accept realities as they are” and change them to truth. [Please review ”The Odd Relationship of Reality with Truth”]
Although the readers of this article have not received proper education, if I try to give a straightforward answer to the question, ”Why War?” I am obliged to repeat the same statement as the reason for war: the malfunction of two-thirds of Homeostasis in the human species.
Precisely, because of that flaw —the malfunction of two-thirds of homeostasis— the understanding of my short answer is beyond the grasp of uneducated minds.
The providers of the UDHR knew that there was a flaw in our education that hindered the ”strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.” Thus, they recommended a type of education directed ”to the full development of the human personality” without explaining the quality of such an education. [1]
Meanwhile, we are interested in following the war news, but only a few care about the reasons behind launching the wars. The evidence for this claim is the Einstein-Freud Correspondence about the reasons behind the war, which has attracted only a few thousand readers since 1933 when the pamphlet ”Why War?” was published only once in 2000 copies.
When two prominent figures like Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud have so few audiences, the others’ works on the reasons for the occurrence of war cannot attract more than the Einstein-Freud Correspondence.
Our lack of interest in knowing the causes of war, such as our inability to define right, justice and law, is due to our Homeostasis flaw.
War is not the only form of human rights violation. It is the ultimate form of injustice because war violates the ”Right to Life” at the highest level. War works as a furnace where all human rights burn.
All sorts of human rights violations convey that we have a severe problem regulating our relationships according to accepting and respecting each other’s rights because of the malfunction of two-thirds of our Homeostasis.
If you ask me: Can we avoid war? My answer is yes. But you and I will have difficulty discussing the reasons for my optimism.
Once, a fellow engineer with a good position in Sweden’s industry asked me and insisted on knowing why humans violate other human rights.
He said: I am intelligent and good at science. I replied: the problem is not your intelligence and scientific knowledge; I know they are in good condition. The problem is in your ”Right Knowledge” —as was mine in Summer 1979, when a simple question, ”What is wisdom?” turned me into an illiterate person within a few minutes.
Your difficulty is with mind preparation.
I asked my friend if he remembered the first session of his university physics class. He answered yes.
I said that physics class was not your first one. Within twelve years, you and the educational system had prepared your mind for that first physics session in the University.
A person who does not have that preparation can neither understand the physics professor’s lesson nor can a professor teach such an audience. Both sides suffer from a lack of mutual understanding.
I added: Achieving mutual understanding demanded I write a few volumes of books, and you read them. Then, you have a prepared mind, and we can ask the relevant questions from each other.
Thus, with this explanation, the only offered answer to ”Why War?” on my website is ”A problem statement for understanding”. Beyond it is my Six Volumes work.
I am assured that studying those books will help thinkers find answers to their questions, including ”Why War?” and, simultaneously, they will discover how to avoid war.

[1] Click here to know the meaning of the full development of the human personality.