Why things are going to get worse
In this article, ”extinction” refers to the complete and permanent disappearance of a species rather than the death of an individual organism.
No remaining individuals are alive anywhere on Earth when a species becomes extinct. For instance, Neanthetals(Homo Neanderthalensis) were extinct about 40,000 years ago, and you cannot find any alive Neanthetals somewhere.
Various factors, including environmental changes, habitat loss, pollution, and climate change, can cause extinction.
Eyewitness of a cataclysmic event
Around 66 million years ago, a large celestial object, believed to be an asteroid or comet, struck the Yucatán Peninsula in present-day Mexico. The impact of the Chicxulub asteroid caused the extinction of 70 to 75% of all plant and animal species on Earth, including the non-avian dinosaurs. This mass extinction event is Earth’s most severe extinction event.
Among the lucky surviving animals was an early mammal from the Late Cretaceous. That small insect-eating creature likely lived in the shadows of the dominant dinosaurs. It was likely nocturnal and had features adapted for a more secretive lifestyle.
The initial impact was a shock and caused widespread devastation, including massive fires, dust and ash clouds blocking sunlight, and sulfur dioxide emissions leading to acid rain. These environmental changes triggered a cascading effect, disrupting food chains, causing widespread extinctions, and altering the Earth’s climate.
But it took about 10 to 15 million years for the Earth’s climate to stabilise, recover to pre-impact levels, and achieve rebalance.
However, the recovery was not uniform across all ecosystems. Some groups, like marine invertebrates and early mammals, responded more quickly, while others, like giant reptiles and many plant species, took longer to rebound.
That mammal —became our far-ancestor— for a few million years, was an eyewitness to a cataclysmic event and watched the world-end performance. It saw how the mighty dinosaurs vanished and felt the death threat so close to itself that the appearance of another apocalyptic event never left that mammal.
The occurrence of another cataclysmic circumstance, like a nightmare, sat in that mammal’s genes and passed to its offspring as heritage.
Having a worldview as a framework for our mind is mandatory because the gathered information in each second with our five senses is 220,000 times more than our mind’s capacity for processing, and we filter surplus data by defining our interests and priorities in the form of a worldview. Therefore, we have been obliged to create different religions and ideologies, but why coloured our worldviews with varying scenarios of the end of the world, whether restarting a new era or a devastating event?
Many apocalyptic theories are deeply rooted in cultural and religious beliefs.
The root of all apocalyptic scenarios turns back to the widespread devastation our far-ancestors experienced, impacting them so profoundly for millions of years that it became a part of humans’ worldviews everywhere.
This is the most plausible hypothesis that can justify the omnipresence of the world-end scenarios.
End-time scenarios —with or without judgment day— refer to deep-seated human concerns about death because of repeating another cataclysmic event.
Fear of death —or its philosophical translation: losing control over ”Reality”— is the most profound fear that turns back to when Right hit the first fundamental particle and made it intelligent. [See Four Instruction in the article ”Why morality must be the origin of law in human society?”]
Even divine judgment and god’s wrath in religious texts could be an echo of the feelings of that mammal who was forced to live underground because the surface of the earth belonged to brutal dinosaurs, and one day, suddenly, their invincible power started to evaporate, and dinosaurs one after another fall down and never stood up.
The death of dinosaurs allowed mammals to continue their life on the earth’s surface and enjoy the possibilities that dinosaurs deprived them of.
The ubiquity of divine judgment narratives can underscore the human inclination to believe that one day, oppressive behaviour will be answered as it occurred to dinosaurs.
Despite the apocalyptic aspect of the world’s end with profound roots in the human mind, the scientific concept of extinction is a new understanding.
We cannot trace in history when humans became aware of the death of an individual living organism.
The death of an individual living organism has been a regular part of the cycle of life. We know animals and plants are born, reproduce, and eventually die.
However, the time of our familiarity with the death of an individual living organism is obscure and is lost in the history of our species; the understanding of the extinction of a species is a new event.
The concept of extinction has gradually developed in scientific understanding, and it wasn’t always a widely accepted idea. In earlier times, many cultures and belief systems did not consider the possibility that species could completely disappear from the Earth. The concept of a species going extinct gained more traction in the 18th and 19th centuries.
One of the key figures in recognising and popularising the concept of extinction was Georges Cuvier(1769 –1832), a French naturalist and palaeontologist. In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, Cuvier’s work in comparative anatomy and palaeontology led him to propose that some species had become extinct in the Earth’s history.
Cuvier’s ideas laid the groundwork for accepting extinction as a scientific concept. Charles Lyell(1797–1875), a geologist, and Charles Darwin (1809 –1882), the renowned naturalist, further contributed to understanding extinction and species’ evolution in the 19th century.
Our pre-historical grasp of the concept of an individual living organism’s death and our new understanding of the death of a species(extinction) raise two questions:
1. Why couldn’t we be familiar with the concept of extinction earlier?
2. Why did many cultures and belief systems not consider the possibility that species could completely disappear from the Earth?
The answers to these questions are critical and will lead us to discover a flaw in our mind, which is extremely dangerous to our species.
Compared to other animals, a human suffers from different flaws in his senses. For instance, consider your dog’s hearing and smell.
Humans typically have a hearing range of 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz.
On the other hand, dogs can hear frequencies as high as 65,000 Hz. This extended range allows them to hear ultrasonic and completely inaudible sounds to humans. Also, dogs generally have more acute hearing than humans. They can detect sounds at much lower volumes and differentiate between subtle variations in pitch and tone.
Dogs have significantly larger olfactory receptors in their noses than humans. The part of a dog’s brain dedicated to analysing smells is also proportionally larger.
While humans have about 5 million olfactory receptors, a medium-sized dog has around 220 million, and some breeds, particularly those known for their sense of smell, can have up to 300 million.
Now, let us compare our seeing with mantis shrimps:
The mantis shrimp possesses an exceptional vision that surpasses humans. Their eyes can detect polarised light and a broad spectrum of colours, including ultraviolet light. It has up to 16 types of colour receptors, compared to humans’ three receptors. Mantis shrimp have a superior ability to perceive a broader range of colours and a unique eye structure that allows independent movement, providing an extensive field of view.
Our weaker hearing, smell, seeing, and two more senses(touching and tasting)are not as fatal as our disability to predict earthquakes.
The unusual animal behaviour before a significant earthquake —from weeks to seconds before a quake’s occurrence— is an essential ability we have known since ancient times.
Some animals can leave their homes and head for safety several days before a destructive earthquake, but we cannot feel it unless it shakes us.
The absence of forecasting earthquakes imposes upon us many casualties. Still, even that flaw cannot be our species’ terminator as the lack of complete understanding of some abstract phenomena is.
Our limitations in grasping abstract phenomena
Mathematics is an abstract topic. This means that it is not directly based on the physical world around us. Instead, it is based on a set of axioms and rules we create ourselves. These axioms and rules are not based on physical evidence but are consistent, allowing us to prove theorems.
Education is obligatory to design and solve most mathematical problems. Otherwise, uneducated minds have many limitations in dealing with mathematical problems.
Please consider the following two arithmetic problems:
1. Presume someone gives you every day an apple to save for him in a basket. How many apples will you have in that basket after ten days?
Ten apples is an answer to that problem. Even an uneducated human with sufficient intelligence can solve such arithmetic problems.
2. Presume someone gives you an apple on the first day, and every day after it, he doubles the number of apples; how many will you have after ten days?
The first problem is ”a linear arithmetic problem”, and the second is ”an exponential arithmetic problem”.
Solving a linear arithmetic problem like this is not difficult. Even an uneducated human with sufficient intelligence can solve such arithmetic problems because his mind allows him to solve them.
”Ten apples” is the correct answer to the first problem, and any educated or uneducated person can give you that solution.
But, solving an exponential arithmetic problem —like the second problem— demands an educated and well-exercised mind.
The correct answer to the second problem is that you would have 1024 apples on the tenth day.[1]
The abstract nature of mathematics makes it difficult to understand.
It can be hard to grasp the concepts of mathematics if you do not have a strong foundation in logic and reasoning. This is why many people struggle with mathematics and have difficulty solving —for instance— ”an exponential arithmetic problem”.
Solving mathematical problems is not the only abstract topic for our uneducated minds. Understanding the problem of regulating our relationship with other humans and between humanity and nature is beyond our minds unless we equip our minds with Wisdom.
For any abstract problem, you must understand the ”problem statement” and what it demands.
I know many who cannot understand the statement of an exponential arithmetic problem, let alone solve it.
It is the same for the problem statement of the regulating problem among humans and between humanity and nature.
Humans’ disability to understand the statement of an exponential arithmetic problem has limited aftermaths. For instance, a lack of understanding of exponential arithmetic problems can cause you to fall into the trap of compound interest in banking.
As a result, you may be more likely to take out a loan you cannot afford to repay. But, a lack of understanding of the ”statement of the regulating problem” causes us to violate each other’s rights, killing each other, and ultimately, it will push us toward extinction. Thus, we must consider the ”statement of the regulating problem” to solve our increasing troubles.
We have difficulty grasping two-thirds of the regulating problem. Only a part of the regulation problem is understandable to everybody without ”Wise Education”.
Please consider my definition of health here:
Health means maintaining ”Order” and ”Balance” within the human body and mind through prevention —avoiding ”Disorder” and ”Imbalance”.
If prevention doesn’t work, medical or surgical measures shall intervene and restore ”Order” and ”Balance”.
Our problem begins when we try to expand the same understandable concepts beyond the individual body and go to a larger body or humanity and define peace in this way:
Peace means maintaining ”Order” and ”Balance” within the human family(humanity) through prevention —avoiding ”Disorder” and ”Imbalance” between family members’ rights by wielding moral principles.
If prevention doesn’t work, law and ”law force” shall intervene and restore ”Order” and ”Justice”.
Like the repeating ”apple, every day, saving, and ten days” in the ”linear arithmetic problem” and ”exponential arithmetic problem”, the ”Order”, ”Balance”, and ”through prevention” are repeated in definitions of Health and Peace.
We understand the meaning of ”Health” and, through different measures, try to enhance our vitality but cannot achieve ”Peace”, and by launching wars, we kill each other.
A ”problem statement” for understanding
To stay alive, Humanity as a living body must comply with the ”Life Law” that an individual human does.
Like any living organism, a man must follow life instructions individually and respond to their demands. Life instructions are divided into three requests: 1) Metabolism, 2) Homeostasis, and 3) Reproduction.
These three qualities of life mean:
1. Taking energy and materials from outside to maintain life. This process is called Metabolism.
2. Trying constantly to balance the conditions inside of their bodies with the outside world to survive as long as possible. This is called Homeostasis.
3. Making copies of their entities through a process called Reproduction.
Among these demands, understanding and exercising Homeostasis play a critical role in exerting balance among humans as a colossal body that we name ”Humanity”.
A human body’s organs automatically or partly unconsciously fulfil Homeostasis within the body organs and with the environment.
Besides automatic and unconscious exerting balance within the body and between body and environment, we wield deliberate measures to keep a steady balance within and between our body and environment.
In the definition of ”Health”, we noticed how, with the help of conscious measures like prevention, medicine and surgery, we can execute Homeostasis in the human body.
The forgotten thing about Homeostasis is it must be exerted in three levels because a human is a member of three systems simultaneously: 1) the ”individual body system”, 2) the ”Humanity System”, and 3) the ”Life System”.
The next drawing depicts the total fact.
Because of the presence of a flaw, which is repairable through Wise Education, we cannot pay attention to Homeostasis(Order and Balance) in ”Humanity Body” and ”Living Body”.
The next figure will focus on the problem.

As you see, we have severe problems with two-thirds of our Homeostasis. The best evidence for this claim is we violate each other rights and launch war among us and between Humanity and nature.
The malfunction of our Homeostasis will push us toward extinction, which will occur via worsening all things among humans and between Humanity and nature.
Turning the ”Red Topics” into ”Green Topics” and removing the ”Red Circle” means we successfully launched the full function of our Homeostasis. In such circumstances, we can claim we are ”wise humans”.
Why things are going to get worse
Like grasping a ”linear arithmetic problem”, we can understand if two-thirds of the body organs of a newborn baby don’t work correctly, he has no chance to live and enjoy a healthy life. We can forecast his situation will worsen gradually, and at last, he will die before having a peaceful life.
How is it with the malfunction of two-thirds of a human’s Homeostasis?
This question turns the characteristic of a ”linear arithmetic problem” into an ”exponential arithmetic problem” and confronts our mind with perplexity.
Our mind can answer an ”exponential arithmetic problem” with sufficient mathematics lessons and training. Otherwise, even understanding the ”problem statement” is encountered with difficulty.
Nature has its own laws and exercises them without concern whether we understand those laws or not.
The only rational action from our side is to try to understand nature’s laws, adapt to them, and prolong our lives.
In other words, we must see ”Reality as it is” and change Reality into Truth. This process means that instead of being controlled by Reality, we exert our ”Collective Control over Reality”.
Having control or losing it for humanity is a matter of life and death, but even understanding this topic as a ”problem statement” requires adequate wise education, let alone solving it.
Well-studying my Six Volumes is a prerequisite to being a vigilant participant in such topics. Otherwise, your mind has no notable flaw if you cannot profoundly touch these topics.
Like me and other humans, you are born disabled to understand the importance of two-thirds homeostasis. You can settle those natural weaknesses through ”Wise Education”.
I was able to understand the topic through intense self-study over 40 years.
Until I wrote my discoveries in Six Volumes, I could not take a step towards sharing the issues with others because even stating the problem required explanations that could only be presented in the form of several volumes of books.
The purpose of this article is not to focus on the process of exercising control over Reality. In the Six Volumes, I sufficiently wrote about that process.
Here, the consequences of losing control are considered because it causes conditions that will worsen things yearly, and continuing this trend leads to our extinction.
More complexity demands more work
Imagine that you are in a rowboat on a river with a calm current, rowing upstream. Your progress, in addition to the speed of the river current, depends on:
1. The size or smallness of your boat and its weight.
2. The structure of your boat and whether the laws of physics are considered in its engineering.
3. Your physical strength and how long you can keep rowing.
4. Your skill in controlling the boat.
Until the river is calm, the ”skill” factor is not very important but becomes more critical as the current becomes faster.
Let’s assume that the river current continues to get faster and faster. The stronger the water current, the more arm strength you need to progress. But unlike the tireless current of the river, you get increasingly tired, and eventually, when you can’t row and move upstream, control of your movement is lost, and the river puts your boat and you in the path of the current.
Until you rowed against the current, you saw that inanimate objects like tree branches floated in the river’s path and passed by your boat. The tree branches could not move upstream because of their lifeless nature. Still, after losing the ability to row, your boat is also like an inanimate object subject to the river’s will.
Now, let’s apply this example to the topic of this article.
A living being is a boat that moves against the current of the second law of thermodynamics, and it will live as long as it can continue to move, but when it cannot and surrenders to the river current, it will no longer be alive. We call the end of resistance to the current ”death”.
The second law of thermodynamics has complicated characteristics, and standing against its destructive current demands a system with adequate complexity to cope with that law’s complexity.
Complexity vs Complexity
Any system with more complexity has a greater chance of resisting that law.
The complexity of the living systems is more than the non-living ones.
An American astrophysicist and cosmologist, Eric J. Chaisson, rendered us a comparable amount of complexity in various systems, which shows their noticeable differences.
Eric Chaisson proposes a new metric for the complexity of various cosmological and biological systems.
Chaisson’s idea is that the more complex an entity is, the greater the energy flows that ought to be needed to maintain it. So, energy flows provide a rough way of ranking entities by their level of complexity.
Here are some of his estimates in a table.
System | [ergs/gr/sec] * |
A galaxy (e.g. Milky Way) | 0.5 |
Stars (e.g. Sun)** | 2 |
Planets (the surface of the Earth) | 75 |
Plants (biosphere) | 900 |
Animals (human body) | 20,000 |
Brains (human cranium) | 150,000 |
Society (modern culture) | 500,000 |
* The erg is a unit of energy. It works equally to 10-7 joules. It originated in the centimetre–gram–second (CGS) system of units. It has the symbol erg. The erg is not an SI unit. Its name is derived from ergon (έργον), a Greek word meaning work or task.
** It turns out that the Sun generates less heat per cubic meter than a human being. So you produce more heat than a piece of the Sun the same size as you.
Average Energy Rate Densities Estimated by Eric Chaisson
Chaisson’s theory provides a valuable framework for understanding the relationship between complexity and energy flow. It suggests that energy is not just a source of power but also plays a fundamental role in shaping the organisation and evolution of complex systems.
But a complex living system, except for energy, demands internal Coherence, Coordination and Cooperation. Otherwise, it will lose complexity and succumb to simplicity that equals death to a living system, whether an individual man or human society.
Turning complexity into simplicity is the mission of the second law of thermodynamics.
Consider the second law of thermodynamics as a jealous person who is complex but cannot stand the complexity of other systems. Wherever it sees complexity, the second law tries to deal with the complexity as an enemy, and by breaking it down and destroying the system’s integrity, turns the system into simplified components.
What the second law of thermodynamics needs in this way exists in the living system as a tendency to separation or ”selfishness”, which works as a self-destruction mechanism within a living organism.
As long as the members of any living system can control their inclination to segregation or ”selfishness”, they can maintain their Coherence and continue to Cooperate to preserve the entire system.
Due to the tendency to separate inside the living organisms, the second law of thermodynamics gradually strengthens. Eventually, ”selfishness” prevails, and the presence of ”Order” within the system turns into ”Disorder”, and integrity turns into disintegration.
Indeed, the tendency to separation or ”selfishness” acts like the Fifth Column of the second law of thermodynamics within the living system and by creating disorder, it conquers the ”living system” from the inside, just as General Franco’s Fifth Column from within Madrid, with the help of the military forces outside the city, led to Franco’s victory.
The increasing disorder within any system is called entropy. When entropy reaches its maximum, the living system loses its ”True” characteristic and returns to ”Absolute Reality, which means death. [See ”The Odd Relationship of Reality with Truth”]
The idea that more complex systems require more significant energy flows is rooted in the fact that such energy flows help the system to stand against entropy by keeping ”Order” within the system. Thus, More complex systems demand a greater flow of energy, but why is it so?
Complex Systems researcher Stuart Kauffman answers, ”The maintenance of order requires some form of work to be done on the system. In the absence of work, order disappears.” [2]
Average energy rate densities, estimated by Eric Chaisson, approve that the human brain, with 150,000 ergs/gr/sec energy flow, is more complex than the human body, which has 20,000 ergs/gr/sec.
We know the human brain, with 2% of a man’s weight, consumes 20 to 25% of the provided energy. Thus, without a doubt, the role of the brain in keeping Order in a human entity is decisive.
In practice, the brain’s role is critical in maintaining Order and Balance within the individual body. But any individual man is a member of two more systems: the ”Humanity System” and the ”Life System”.
Disorder in the ”Humanity System” or ”Life System” can spread to the individual systems and kill a man. Covid-19, as a cause of disorder, emanated from disorder in the ”Life System” and the ”Humanity System”.
Many individual humans who cared about their health and neatly kept Order and Balance in their bodies died because of a disorder that was imposed on them by two more extensive systems.
Thus, keeping Order and Balance in the ”Humanity Body” and the ”Life Body” is as crucial as holding Order and Balance within an individual body because any disorder in the ”Humanity Body” and the ”Life Body” can spread in the ”Individual Body”. But grasping this self-evident fact is beyond uneducated minds understanding capacity —as it is an exponential arithmetic problem for uneducated minds.
Despite man’s brain complexity, which causes us to expect it to work appropriately and bring Order and Balance, it is an incompetent device due to the malfunction of two-thirds of homeostasis. Also, because of consuming so much fuel (20 to 25% of the provided energy), it is a costly machine.
The meaning of ”work”
As was mentioned above, Stuart Kauffman said: ”The maintenance of order requires some form of work to be done on the system. In the absence of work, order disappears.”
What does work mean in the ”Order keeping” and ”Balance making” processes?
”Work” in True Philosophy means changing Reality to Truth, but in physics, the concept of work refers to the transfer of energy that occurs when a force is applied to an object and causes it to move in the direction of the force.
”Work” in Wisdom has an Ultimate Goal or a steady direction: to stay alive. But in physics, force determines direction.
So, changing ”Reality to Truth” until humans achieve ”Absolute Truth” is the work of man’s mind. [Consider Mathematical Translation of ”Work” in Wisdom]
If man’s mind could fulfil such work properly, we would see Order (True Order) and Balance (Justice) among humans and between Humanity and Nature. But we witness Disorder and Injustice because of the malfunction of our Homeostasis.
By generating problems without solutions, we create crises that cause increasing disorder among us and nature.
Climate Change, Biodiversity Loss, Poverty and Inequality, Global Health Pandemics, Political Instability and Conflicts, Terrorism, Cybersecurity Threats, Water Scarcity, Nuclear Proliferation, Refugee Crisis, Food Insecurity, and Plastic Pollution are a few examples that I can mention here. You can add the other crises yourself.
Instead of solving old crises like war and poverty, we add new crises to them and will expand disorder among us and nature. The accumulation of unsolvable problems and crises will utterly cause us to lose our Control over Reality and succumb to comprehensive and increased disorder, which will dissolve our entity as a species.
What will increase ”Disorder and Injustice” in Humanity Sytem emanates from the presence of plenteous humans with the inclinations to segregation or ”selfishness” from one hand and other humans’ perplexity.
Let me unfold the meaning of segregation and later pay attention to what ”selfishness” conveys.
Segregation or separation is an inclination among all living organisms which causes the members of the unification of life to desire to leave the union(life) by refusing to comply with the instructions of life’s law.
Some elements of a living organism presume that by leaving the union and separating their way, they will gain more than they have within a union(life). They deny the unique ”Order” that life’s law renders and suppose that by rejecting to hold the ”Right energy,” they have a better chance of gaining more.
Thus, they prefer to leave other union members loyal to the union and think about themselves instead of caring about others.
You can read more about this subject in Chapter Six of Volume One.
There, as an example, I mentioned cancerous cells in the body which, by rejecting to hold the ”Right energy” and denying ”Order” that life’s law renders, cause ”Disorder” within the body that, at last, will end in the death of every cell whether the cells which complied Order or they caused Disorder.
Indeed, a cancerous cell which spreads disorder to other cells commits suicide because by increasing disorder or entropy to its ultimate, a cancerous cell will die, not gain more than it had in the union. The cancerous cells are self-destructive because they cause disorder and kill themselves.
Only cells which have lost their mind(intelligence) do such madness and become cancerous.
Some factors can confiscate the intelligence of a cell and make it sufficiently foolish to deny True Order. Among those factors, we can name radioactivity.
The Humanity System, as a colossal version of an individual’s body, can affected by the same madness and fall into the trap of self-destruction.
Any human is a cell in Humanity. If a human(cell) denies the ”Order” that Morality (Humanity’s version of life’s law) renders, he causes ”Disorder” in the total ”Humanity Body” at last.
If we cannot see an unwise or cancerous cell with the naked eye, we can see its larger version or an unwise human without a problem.
In the ”Humanity System”, as a self-destructive mechanism, selfishness is embodied in greed and ideologies.
Expansion of greed in the Human Family causes increasing Disorder(entropy) among humans and between Humanity and Nature. Like cancerous cells, greed-ridden humans collaborate with the Second law of thermodynamics. They are pushing life toward Absolute Reality, which for the individual body calls death and for the human species ”extinction”.
The well-function of one-third of our Homeostasis allows us to understand the importance of keeping Order and Balance within our bodies.
We have no problem grasping how cancer could be fatal. However, any human has an effective body defence system that does its best to retrieve Order and Balance within the individual body. Still, even with knowing this fact, we try to help the body’s defence system through health care services.
When a life is at stake because of cancer, we don’t leave anything to chance.
But in the opposite reaction, we ignore greed’s role in ”Humanity Body” and its destructive role in increasing Disorder.
Such a paradoxical manner originates from the malfunction of two-thirds of our Homeostasis, which causes us to allow greed-ridden humans to push the human species toward extinction without any severe obstacle.
The best mechanism that helps gree-ridden men to impose Disorder within the Human Family is exerting ”Coercive Control” via law.
Of course, Greed is not a mere cause for Disorder; as mentioned above, Ideologies also have critical roles in imposing Disorder upon Humanity. Our focus in this article is the process of extinction, not explaining all factors that play a role in Disorder. I paid attention to ideologies in my Six Volumes work. Here, I emphasise Greed as a worldwide omnipresent evil.
Greed-ridden humans, on the one hand, addict humans to consumption, and on the other hand, plunder the natural resources to provide sufficient goods to the addicted humans.
As the dedicated school to greed, Capitalism has been founded on ”Profit’s Authenticity”, not other things like morality and law.
The Capitalists theoretically believe and practically fulfil; ”the end justifies the means.”
A lack of moral scruples is an excellent strong point that allows capitalists to do what is necessary to achieve their interests. Bothering about the consequences of their activities on Humanity and Nature has no place in Capitalists’ minds.
Do you suppose when Edward Berney and his boss George Washington Hill, head of the American Tobacco Company, wanted to sell more cigarettes —and women were their potential market— cared about women’s health?
Consumerism is in accordance with human desires. It answers the demands of the uneducated minds for extraordinary Metabolism and Reproduction.
Our uneducated minds suffer from the innate flaws to grasp the importance of ”Order” and ”Balance” among humans and between Humanity and Nature.
We embrace consumption without being able to think about the fatal aftermaths of plundering the natural resources for ourselves and our children.
Human activities, such as deforestation, overfishing, and excessive use of non-renewable resources like fossil fuels, can create ecosystem imbalances. If the rate at which we use these resources exceeds the Earth’s capacity to regenerate or replace them, it can lead to depletion and environmental degradation.
Our sporadic skirmishes with nature throughout history have turned into scattered battles after the Industrial Revolution and, from the 20th century, into full-scale wars. Humans will be the ultimate losers of such a war.
Without a Wise Exit Strategy, the imbalances will grow, and the Disorder between Humanity and Nature will increase.
In such circumstances, instead of exerting control over Reality, we succumb to Reality’s control.
Such a process of increasing ”control losing” means we pace on a path that leads us toward Extinction, whether we believe or deny that harsh Reality.

[1] Here is a mathematical explanation of the growth of apples in the second problem:
In the second problem, the number of apples grows exponentially with a constant growth factor 2. This means that the number of apples is multiplied by 2 at each time step. Mathematically, we can represent this as:
Number of apples(t) = 2^t
Where t is the time step (in days), for instance, on the first day, the number of apples is 2^1 = 2; on the second day, it’s 2^2 = 4, and so on.
Applying this formula to the tenth day gives us:
Number of apples(10) = 2^10 = 1024
This explains why the number of apples reaches 1024 on the tenth day. The exponential growth of the number of apples is reflected in the rapid increase in the value of 2^t as t grows.
[2] The book ”At Home in the Universe: The Search for the Laws of Self-Organization and Complexity”, Oxford University Press, pp. 9-10