Why morality must be the origin of law in human society?

An intelligent entity, whether a unicellular organism or a human for staying alive, must comply with life’s law instructions. In Volume One, I turned back the intelligence before forming the first living organism or LUCA(Last Universal Common Ancestor). 
There, we learned: ”When the Right energy hit the first fundamental particle, it enlightened that particle with awareness and knowledge. After hitting, that particle suddenly became conscious and knew about its existence. Before the injection of intelligence into the particle, it was just there but didn’t exist. There is a big difference between ”to be” and ”existence”. 
”To be” means just being and complying with Physics’s laws, but ”existence” means awareness and making decisions.”
[Volume One, Page 133]

The chosen fundamental particle received four instructions:

1. Keep intelligence persistently and be frightened profoundly of losing it. 
Later, this instruction became the meaning of life in living organisms.

2. Manipulate ”Reality” with the purpose of providing energy and materials for keeping and increasing your intelligence.   
Later, this instruction became ”Metabolism”.

3. Spread intelligence with these instructions to other fundamental particles.
Later, this instruction became ”Reproduction”.

4. Join other fundamental particles and unify with them to better keep and increase your intelligence because you alone cannot resist the increasing disorder that the second law of thermodynamics imposes upon you. 
Find your place in the union and regulate your relationship with others according to mutual respect and cooperation. 
Later, this instruction became ”Homeostasis”.

According to the third instruction, the first particle spread intelligence to other fundamental particles 3.5 to 3.8 billion years ago. When sufficiently intelligent and enlightened chemical elements and compounds were prepared, they complied with the fourth instruction, made a union of themselves, and established LUCA as the first living organism.

Accepting and respecting each other rights were the common ground for intelligent and enlightened chemical elements and compounds. They stood on that common ground and formed their union by enhancing the Four Instranctions to new kinds of instructions, which could cope with the necessities of the new intelligent entity that we call ”Life”.

Any living union’s members, whether the elements of a unicellular organism, a complicated body like a human or Humanity as a colossal body, must stand on that common ground or a solid stage.

Accepting and respecting each other’s rights provides a solid stage for an intelligent unit to play its theatrical role as a union member.

We call ”accepting and respecting each other’s rights” morality.

Morality is an establishment, a common ground, or a solid stage where intelligent entities can be unified

Developing from the individual fundamental particles to a living organism demanded two things: 1) every element accepted and respected others’ rights, and 2) enhancing the Four Instructions to Life’s Law. 

Passing from humans as scattered intelligent entities to Humanity as a unified entity demands two things: 1) every human accepts and respects other human rights(=Morality), and 2) enhancing ”Life’s Law” to ”Human Law” or ”True Law”. 

In the ”Innate Morality” within the ”instinct of sympathy” of any newborn baby, concealed instructions and facilities exist to fulfil those processes.

Wise Education is the only thing a baby human needs to unfold those concealed instructions.

Wise Education causes the ”full development of the human personality” that Article 26 of the UDHR demands.

Indeed, Human Society is established on the shoulders of ”Human Law”, which is established on the shoulders of ”Developed Morality”, which is established on the shoulders of ”Life Law”, which is established on the shoulders of the ”Four Instructions” that Right Energy gave to the fundamental elements which participated to forming LUCA.

The Following figure depicts that interdependent structure.


Accepting and respecting each others’ rights is the essence of all stages in this figure


If one removes ”Developed Morality” from that pyramid, ”Human Society” no longer has ”Human Law” or ”True Law” as the provider of ”True Order” and ”Preventive Justice”.   

The interconnection between ”Human Law” or ”True Law” and ”Developed Morality” leads us to say that morality is the origin of law.

True Philosophy can describe that pyramid from down to ”Developed Morality”, but legislation of ”Human Law” is the duty of the Wise representatives of people to adapt any new law with Moral Values to guarantee Order and Justice to every member of Human Society. 

We had the Four Instructions above, and we will meet them below again.

The Legislation of ”Life’s Law”

Four Instructions were transformed into ”Life Law” during the elements’ meeting, where participants collectively addressed themselves as ”we.” This marked the beginning of the transformation process among the chemical elements that formed LUCA. We inherited that law and its rules (Life Law’s rules) from LUCA.

Below, you can see those ”Four Instructions” in italic and bold letters. Under any instruction comes a new Rule. The Rules together make Life’s Law. 

1. Keep intelligence persistently and be frightened profoundly of losing it.

Rule 1: We persistently maintain our intelligence. The loss of our intelligence is our common anxiety; we are profoundly scared of that occurrence. Thus, living(=maintenance of intelligence) forever is our Ultimate Goal and the first reason for our unification. 

Achievement of our Ultimate Goal demands the division of labour that we co-manage.

2. Manipulate ”Reality” with the purpose of providing energy for keeping and increasing your intelligence.   

Rule 2: We will manipulate the Real World to provide energy and chemical elements to keep our collective intelligence and enhance its quantity and quality. ”Metabolism” is a name that we call it. A group of us will fulfil this mission.

3. Spread intelligence with these instructions to other fundamental particles.

Rule 3: Keeping our collective intelligence requires gathering more information and enhancing the quantity and quality of our intelligence. This mission is lengthy and more extended than the second law of thermodynamics allows us to achieve it. By making copies of ourselves, we can deceive the second law, and instead of being manipulated by that law, we will manipulate it and prolong our existence forever. Our gathered information will be rendered to new copies during any copy-taking process. Our copies(children) will be capable of adding new data to their inherited information and passing it on to our offspring. So, generation after generation, we increase our knowledge and protect our collective intelligence without losing vital data. We call this process ”Reproduction”, and a group of us will fulfil this mission.

4. Join other fundamental particles and unify with them to better keep and increase your intelligence because you alone cannot resist the increasing disorder that the second law of thermodynamics imposes upon you. Find your place in the union and regulate your relationship with others according to mutual respect and cooperation.

Rule 4: For efficient cooperation, we need coordination among us. We must also regulate ourselves with changes that occur in the Real World(environment), where the second law of thermodynamics tries to impose disorder on us. Coordination within us and with the outside world demands a ”Regulator” that keeps ”Order” and exerts balance between our rights. 

Order keeper and balance-maker institute called ”Hemostasis”.  A group of us will fulfil this mission.

Innate Morality Values:

Innate Morality” and its signals allow a newborn human to publicise his presence and claim his place in the human family.

”Innate Morality” signals are simple and persuasive. They are:

I am human; you are human.
We are members of humanity.
I have rights; you have rights.

”Wise Education” directs humans toward the full development of personality where Innate Morality signals will ascend to ”Developed Morality” with a trait that makes those values Universal and independent from all regions and ideologies. Thus, ”Developed Morality Codes” is ”Secular Moral Values”:

1. I am human; you are human.

2. We are members of humanity.

3. I have rights; you have rights.

4. I accept and respect your rights. I expect you to do the same thing with my rights.

5. I am ready to help you achieve your rights because you are important to me, and help you make me happy.

6. I am your ally; you are my ally.

7. We have a common interest, which is staying alive and enjoying our life.

8. We have a common enemy, which is death. It has ambushed us to take our life.

9. We are a combination of ”self-interest” and ”selflessness”. I am ready to ignore my ”self-interest” for you when it is necessary or you are in danger.

Developed Morality includes and acknowledges our shared humanity’s fundamental principles: respecting each other’s rights and balancing self-interest and selflessness.

The Full Function of Homeostasis 

Homeostasis or balance-making demands its full function. It wants to exert balance in the individual body, among humans and between Humanity and Nature.

If humans were born wise, they could respond to that demand, and such an answer would deserve to be called responsibility. In such circumstances, we had no problem regulating our relationship according to accepting and respecting each other’s rights or morality. 

In occasions of domination of morality, our laws were a natural continuation of our moral values. 

Due to malfunction, two-thirds of our Homeostasis, we are irresponsible humans because we cannot respond to our Homeostasis demands.

As irresponsible humans, we cannot legislate laws according to moral values because we are deprived of secular moral values that cover both humans and other living organisms in nature.

When secular moral values don’t exist, the origin of law willy-nilly shifts to the whims of lawmakers that ultimately emanate from their self-interests.

Developed Moral Values are standard for everybody, whether lawmakers or ordinary humans. 

The absence of standardisation causes us to be confronted with many problems, from language to measuring things. For instance, when I say ”book,” you understand what I mean; when you say ten centimetres, I know how much it is.

When we do not have a measurement unit, we must use our bodies to measure things. 

The Nobel Prize-winning Austrian-Irish physicist Erwin Schrödinger, in his work ”what is life?” recounts the story of the creation of the ”Yard” as a measuring unit. Schrödinger says:

”There is a story tracing the yard back to the humour of an English king whom his councillors asked what unit to adopt -and he stretched out his arm sideways and said: ’Take the distance from the middle of my chest to my fingertips, that will do all right.”

In this story, true or not, the need for a unit for measurement or having a standard unit caused a man —here, an English king— to create a system of units by making the distance from the middle of the chest to his fingertips, which became an unscientific standard. [Volume Four, page 191]

Yards and other units of the Imperial System, like inches, feet, pounds, and gallons, are based on something other than mathematical logic and, therefore, are troublesome in scientific and engineering contexts. For several reasons, the metric system is often preferred in these fields. 

Despite the Imperial System’s failures, accepting a king’s middle chest to his fingertips as a standard of measuring is more reasonable than everybody taking his middle chest to his fingertips for measuring things, which will create chaos in our interactions.

In the law-making field, developed or secular morality is a unit used to measure the correctness and fairness of a law.  

When law-makers do not have accurate moral values based on life’s law, their whims and self-interests are the only remaining units for measurement. There is no guarantee that their interests will provide ordinary people’s interests, either. 

The increasing injustices among humans and between humanity and nature prove the lack of secular moral values and the domination of mere self-interests or selfishness among lawmakers. [see ”Power, Corruption, and Crackdown”]

What makes legislation a ”True Law” is its origin, morality.

Any legislation that does not originate from morality is a non-law, no matter whether those lawmakers are chosen by the people or appointed by a dictator.

The ”Rule of Law” equals the ”Rule of Morality”, and any word of any law conveys moral values.

A lawmaker is an oracle or a medium between four instructions, life’s rules, and humans’ needs for survival as Humanity. The lawmaker must be profoundly in touch with the ”Right Energy” and express its demands in a new form, the ”Human Laws.”