Parents Choice

What does ”kind of education” mean in ”Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children” ?
Does it mean parents can choose an education system which denies respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms?

Many ideology-ridden people are full of hatred and want to expand their beliefs to others, especially to their children. The UDHR cannot recommend poisoning children’s minds with hatred.
The UDHR is a smooth, coherent text with a specific purpose: accepting and respecting human rights.
This document wants recognition of the inherent dignity and the equal and inalienable rights of all human family members; thus, it cannot accept disapproval of other humans’ dignity and their equal rights via any foundation, whether parents or an education system.

The UDHR enjoys a unified logic. Point two of Article 26 cannot demand education ”shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace”, and in the same article’s point three carelessly allows parents choose a contradict education which doesn’t lead the children to ”the full development of the human personality”.
Without a doubt, fostering hatred via parents and the education system is against common sense and the spirit of the UDHR.
Of course, parents have the right to choose a better ”kind of education that shall be given to their children” and promote kids’ understanding, tolerance, and friendship among all humans if they feel the official education system cannot respond to their expectations. But establishing an education system that fosters hatred by exploiting the right to ”choose the kind of education” is anti-right, and exercising it is anti-freedom.

That document’s authors predicted misusing point three and other parts of the UDHR. For that reason, Article 30 emphasises that nothing in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights should be interpreted in a way that allows any individual, group, or government to use one right to undermine or deny the rights and freedoms of others. In other words, the article safeguards against the misuse or abuse of human rights to harm or infringe upon the rights of others. It reinforces the idea that the rights and freedoms outlined in the UDHR should be upheld for everyone without discrimination or harm to others.

We humans are born human, but to remain human for the rest of life, we need wise education, which is absent because of our parents in the first place and society in the second place.
The harsh reality is both parents and society ignore their tasks and, instead of giving wise education and causing full development of our personality, poison our minds with various prejudices and hatred of other humans.
Some poisoned thoughts emanate from our parents and are fortified later by the education system. Finally, society approves unwise instructions derived from parents and schools.

Indeed, until we as parents and members of society foster our children with different poisoned beliefs and worldviews, there is the slightest chance they, as adults, will be able to touch the extant values in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.