Explanation of a term: ”Ignorance” in the following text means being deprived of the education the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) demands in Article 26. That type of education should direct us to fully develop our personality and strengthen our respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. When a man is deprived of such an education, he suffers from a fully developed personality and, therefore, is ignorant because he cannot regulate his relationship with other humans and nature by accepting and respecting other rights.
[12 March 2024]
The mixture of ignorance and political power is a fatal combination. Such a blend will continue its destructive manner until our species extinction. This process is inevitable until wise humans occupy the political apparatus and make it morally responsible and legally accountable.
The thought of causing you distress never even crosses my mind. Nevertheless, exposing your ignorance to me is an unpleasant task that I am compelled to do.
I don’t feel good about doing this duty. However, my feelings do not matter in a logical discussion. I am forced to do this unpleasant duty because the continuation of the status quo and the increasing vulgarity of politics are deadly for humanity.
About your ignorance, be honest, ask yourself some questions and evaluate your knowledge. For instance:
1. Do I know the meaning of right and justice?
2. Do I know the origin of law and the functions of laws?
3. Do I know why we violate each other rights or why we launch war?
4. Existing politics or Realpolitik consists of Immorality, Irresponsibility, Conspiracy and Lying. Am I in politics to follow those characteristics?
5. With what level of awareness of key concepts such as rights, justice and law have I entered politics?
Answering such questions demands profound thoughts as the most expensive human production, but you want to pay attention to them with empty words which are as cheap as air.
If you are honest with yourself, you will see that you do not have a convincing answer to such questions and may struggle to answer them.
You know many things, but the definitions of morality, justice, and responsibility are absent from your vocabulary.
The reason for your ignorance is apparent. You didn’t receive the type of education that directed you to a fully developed personality.
When you were a child, your parents and, later, the education system deprived you of what the UDHR demanded in Article 26:
”Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.”
The decision-making of some ignorant politicians caused your unawareness.
Those politicians deprived you of such a mandated education because they couldn’t comprehend the meaning of ”full development of the human personality” and didn’t try to understand it despite their pledge to the UDHR to establish such an education.
In other words, the lazy minds of political leaders caused them not to pay attention to the UDHR, and you and I shall pay for their neglect.
As a politician who makes decisions for the education system now, you repeat the same tradition of ignorance and deprive the children of the proper education they need to fully develop their personality and strengthen respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Among these children deprived of such meaningful education, some will be politicians in the future and continue this vicious cycle.
Despite the unpleasant aspect of revealing your ignorance, I am doing you a favour by exposing your unawareness as a friend did with me in the summer of 1979.
My friend planted a question in my mind with a remark about ”wisdom” that made me aware of my ignorance. His statement shook my mind.
Otherwise, without such a shake, I would probably still be unaware.
Sometimes, shocks are necessary to wake us up from slumber —like what I am doing with you now.
The reason why we are utterly helpless in the face of abstract questions is apparent. No one has taught them to us. Our educational system has failed to comply with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights demands because no one knows what kind of education should lead to the full development of the human personality.
In another open letter to the Director-General of UNESCO, I wrote:
”As we know, it wasn’t enough to say humans have rights. Therefore, we standardised human rights in the UDHR —in 1948. According to the same logic, the UDHR without standard meanings and definitions causes difficulty in understanding.
When the UDHR can’t be understood, it cannot be fulfilled. For instance: 1. In the first line of the UDHR, we see ”recognition of the inherent dignity”. The question is: What does ”dignity” mean?
2. In the third paragraph of the Preamble, we see, ”human rights should be protected by the rule of law”. The question is: What makes a directive a law, and how do we distinguish between a law and a non-law?
3. In three instances within the UDHR text —Articles 22, 26, and 29— we see that the document hints at the development of human personality. In that relation, the questions are:
a. What does ”full development of the human personality” mean?
b. Which type of education can guide us towards the ”full development of the human personality”?”
I defined abstract terms and concepts because I had sufficient courage to confess to my ignorance and criticised my wrongdoings, which emanated from a flaw of my Homeostasis malfunction.
I was so humble to learn from anything. Thus, it is not surprising my best teacher became Slim Mould, not a human.
Despite my modesty in learning from Slim Moulds, I see your arrogance, which causes you to ignore even a free lecture about ”Wisdom”.
Once, a young, very ambitious fellow of the Swedish Green Party said to me: You are talking in a way as my professor at university did.
Without any relevant education, which leads to the ”full development of the human personality” —demanded by Article 26 of the UDHR— she entered politics and wants to climb the political ladder sooner or later, perhaps even becoming a member of parliament. Then, with naive good intentions, she’ll likely hand over my sovereignty to banks and big corporations —just as those like her did after the fall of the Soviet Union.
This individual expects her unwisdom to be accepted by you without criticism or questioning.
If you dare to raise a question and she chooses silence, you are expected to walk away and not bother her further.
We humans live together, which demands 1) to regulate our relationship with each other and 2) to divide labour.
According to the principle of division of labour, a group of us must take responsibility for regulation.
Philosophy, Judiciary and Politics are morally responsible and legally accountable for fulfilling the regulation mission.
The other members of human society who are not in this circle of Philosophy, Judiciary, and Politics are called Ordinary Humans.
Philosophers, Jurists(lawyers and judges), and Politicians are obliged to bring other members of society ”long living in happiness” through Good Governance.
Ordinary Humans deserve ”Good Governance” because 1)they have paid for it by doing their specific assignment —according to the principle of division of labour— 2) they feed philosophers, jurists and politicians, 3) they have handed over their right to sovereignty —the essential right of every human being after the right to life— to this group.
Thus, from every aspect, you consider your relationship with Ordinary Humans; as a politician, you owe them ”Good Governance”.
But ”Good Governance” is only a ring in a chain. I call it the Good Governance Chain, but you can name it with any ring in that chain —for instance, Rule of Law Chian.
A figure from the last volume of my books depicts that chain.

The ring of ’Good Governance’ in its chain
The first ring of this chain is Wisdom, and you must know its meaning and functions. After Wisdom, you must know the essence of ”True Law” and create it. If you do it, you have ”True Law” for exercising the ”Rule of Law”.
”Good Governance” is the immediate achievement of the ”Rule of Law”, which causes the ”Common Good” and other rings illustrated in the figure.
If I cannot or don’t want to fulfil my duty as a philosopher, my neglect will damage your assignment as a politician. In such circumstances, you will be deprived of Wise Education, a type of education that allows you to achieve a fully developed personality, as the UDHR mandates.
Meanwhile, my neglect is an obstacle for you; your unwisdomness generates ”non-law”, which imposes Disorder and Injustice upon Ordinary Humans.
When politicians legislate non-laws, they compel the judges to be killers of justice instead of its providers.
As you can see, the tasks of philosophers, politicians, and jurists are intermingled. Neglect of one member of this collection causes problems for others and makes them incompetent.
This collection’s incompetence makes it vulnerable to severe rebukes from Ordinary Humans because people have the right to the ”Good Governance Chain”, and we —philosophers, politicians, and jurists— owe them a ”Meaningful Life”.
We are morally committed to bringing a happy, long life to each member of humanity.
Our collective negligence is attributed to each one of us. Therefore, while we are equally responsible to the people for our commitment, we are also responsible to each other and must hold each other accountable. So when you fail to fulfil your duty as a politician or judge, I am complicit in your neglect willy-nilly.
As a philosopher, I cannot disregard your shortcomings and blame the current situation solely on politicians and jurists because I am complicit in their defects unless I have done my best to force them to do their duty. Still, they overlook me despite my efforts.
My commitment to ordinary people is unwavering because I chose to be a philosopher. Therefore, I must not only dedicate myself to answering abstract questions and teaching them, but I must also confront you as a politician and judge and demand that you fulfil your duty.
When I admitted to the mistake I made in my youth out of ignorance and have been trying to make amends for it since the summer of 1979, I expect you, as a politician or judge, to do the same and strive to make amends, rather than blaming each other for the world’s current predicament.
Every statesman is committed not only to those who voted for him but also to humanity.
Voluntary self-criticism, admitting mistakes, and committing to making amends are signs of wisdom and moral courage that you politicians are deprived of because you are not even close to being wise yet —don’t forget your inappropriate education.
Since the beginning of the 21st century, my country, Sweden, has been plagued by the spread of crime and the battles between criminal gangs to seize a larger share of the crime market. I have not seen a single politician or political party acknowledge their role in the expansion of crime in Sweden. They all accuse each other, and none admit that Sweden has become a paradise for criminals due to their individual and collective witlessness.
Criticism is painful, and self-criticism is even more so. When others criticise you, you can escape it or let yourself be forgotten and no longer be the target of criticism. But accepting and examining your mistakes without external pressure depends on the constant presence of your conscience, and there is no evade from it.
The truth is that I confess my role in the 1979 Iranian Revolution and consider myself a participant in the repression, imprisonment, and killing of Iranians that have taken place during this time.
Iranians who did not play a role in the 1979 Revolution or were not even born yet have the right to ask me why I participated in a revolution that resulted in a brutal regime.
While accepting my role in destroying their lives, I tell them this:
”I hope you are civilised enough to be against the death penalty and don’t want to hang me for wrongdoing I did in my youth.
I have been tried and sentenced to hard labour in the court of my conscience for participating in the 1979 Revolution, and I am still serving my sentence.
Since my foolishness was the reason for my participation in that revolution, I was condemned to find the root of my own unwisdomness.
After decades of hard work, I have realised that two-thirds of our human Homeostasis is not working correctly, and we face a severe problem regulating our relationship with each other and nature.
This flaw in balance-making(Homeostasis) is not unique to me; it includes all of us, including you. This flaw can be called ”unwisdom,” which can be mended through education.
If you do not want to be criticised by future generations, and if you do not wish humans who have not yet been born to condemn you for destroying their future in thirty or forty years after this time, develop your personality through self-education and become wise human.
You do not have to reinvent the wheel. Use the results of my work, criticise it, improve it, and pass it on to the next generation. The key to overcoming our collective foolishness is education.”
If you, as a politician, think that only the Homeostasis of other humans is flawed, and you are the exception among humans with no flaw in Homeostasis, you are suffering from narcissism.
Suppose you are unwilling to learn abstract concepts and be wise. In that case, you better leave politics. But leaving politics as an honest person is not a good idea because plenty of evil humans will take your place and make our situation worse. Self-education is the reasonable solution for your ignorance —as it was for me.
I know studying abstract concepts —because of their complicated characteristic— is very challenging, but I, as a philosopher, and you, as a politician, have accepted to deal with those concepts.
I spent 39 years of my life trying to achieve the definition of Wisdom. You must spend at least four years of your life at university studying Wisdom, and after proving your understanding of wise topics, you must enter politics.
Where humans’ lives are at stake, being competent is an obligation and ”competence” is a combination of Knowledge and Experience.
Remember this fact: for heart surgery, the entire team that must be present in the operating room must have high medical training.
As a modern human, one does not permit a team of uneducated people to touch her body for heart surgery because she knows how dangerous it is to allow a group without adequate medical knowledge and experience to perform surgery on her heart.
One understands how vital it is to keep Order and Balance in her body to stay alive. She knows that because one-third of her Homeostasis works correctly. As was mentioned: ”The forgotten thing about Homeostasis is it must be exerted in three levels because a human is a member of three systems simultaneously: 1) the ”individual body system”, 2) the ”Humanity System”, and 3) the ”Life System”.”
Because two-thirds of their Homeostasis malfunction, one cannot grasp the importance of keeping Order and exerting Balance in the ”Humanity Body” and ”Living Body.” Thus, they lose the consideration and focus they usually have to maintain their health.
Instead of caring about the ”Humanity Body” and ”Living Body,” they fall into the trap of indifference. In such circumstances, one allows any incompetent person to become a politician and puts their life at stake.
I don’t know which formal education you had when you entered politics. Even if you have studied philosophy or alleged political science at a university, you are not competent, let alone you learned something else. [In Volume Four, you can find how academic philosophy and political science are incompetent]
Suppose you are an educated engineer. Do you permit yourself to perform heart surgery?
If I ask you to do so, you will probably tell me that you have no competence to perform heart surgery and that doing such an operation is equal to killing a human.
You say so because one-third of your Homeostasis works at its entire capacity. But you entered politics and put humanity’s lives at stake without complying with the same logic and saying that you do not know how to regulate relationships among humans and between humanity and nature.
There are two reasons for your bold presence in politics without knowledge:
1. The Homeostasis flaw allowed you to enter politics without shame or a guilty conscience.
2. The existence of the same failure in Ordinary Humans’ Homeostasis causes them to accept you as a politician.
Your ignorance of wise concepts is not a destructive action merely because a lack of wisdom makes you a confused and shortsighted human. Its consequences surpass the perplexity and short-sightedness and go beyond them. It deforms your personality if you take governmental power.
You will lose the sympathy that you had with other humans before entering politics.
According to scientific studies, ”Power” without wisdom causes stress and anxiety that generates a chain reaction of hormones, which forces you to be indifferent to the pains and agonies of other humans and leads you toward corruption.
Further details on this process can be found in Chapter Six of Volume Two of my work. [Read that chapter as a PDF by clicking here ]
If you suppose yourself to be a superhuman with full homeostasis function and immunity to releasing extraordinary hormones, you are affected by a dangerous miscalculation that other humans must pay for.
The human brain is a complicated electrochemical machinery and complies with physical chemistry’s laws, which cover all humans equally.
Your delusion about your competence and willpower to change the world without wisdom cannot stop the effect of the extraordinary issuing of testosterone and dopamine.
Hormones are chemical substances and have their impact on you and me without discrimination. For instance, you cannot stop the effects of sulfuric acid on your skin with willpower. Such an expectation is unscientific because sulfuric acid is a powerful and corrosive chemical.
Corrosive means it can cause severe injury when it comes into contact with the skin. That acid will burn your skin and damage tissues. It will do the same to me if I allow sulfuric acid to touch my skin.
If sulfuric acid can destroy our skin, ”power” without wisdom can ruin our sympathy for other humans and make us selfish and corrupt.
Political power without wisdom will bring corruption and crackdown because ignorance and responsibility contradict each other and change hormone-releasing mechanisms.
The solution to corruption and crackdowns is ”Wise Knowledge” or Wisdom and abrogating impunity.
Wise Education will develop your personality and prepare you to deal with political power without its side effects.
Farsightedness, forward-thinking, correct decision-making, and ”Good Governance” are achievements of Wise Education.
The pest of ”Wise Education” is impunity because enjoying it is the main obstacle to motivating you to study wise topics.
When you enjoy impunity, you feel no accountability for your ignorance, which leads you toward wrongdoings.
Unaccountability in the form of impunity is a poisoned cookie that will deform you and distort your character into an immoral or corrupt person because it amplifies mind-laziness, which exists naturally in humans to deal with abstract concepts.
As a politician and member of parliament, why should you try to learn the complicated relationship of rights, morality, order and justice with the law when you can legislate the directives and impose them on ordinary humans?
By abrogation of impunity, you discipline yourself to develop your personality with frequent Wise Education because you know that neglecting to increase your ”Wise Knowledge” causes you to make incorrect decisions, which you must pay for.
”Impunity” has profound destructive implications for a politician’s personality, integrity, and the welfare of humanity, mainly as one assumes a political role. Therefore, any honest politician must work towards its abolition.
Impunity’s abrogation will pave the path for thoroughly reforming the extant political system.
Commit yourself to acquiring wisdom by making the Universal Declaration of Human Rights the central focus of your studies.
If you don’t want the world to be ruled by individuals like Donald Trump, then you need to hold the political system accountable.
Every politician should be thoroughly versed in and pass a test on the fundamental principles enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Just as society wouldn’t allow someone without proper training to perform surgery on a heart in an operating room, it shouldn’t enable individuals lacking wisdom and education, with no comprehension of the concepts outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to enter politics and jeopardise the lives of billions.
If grasping the concepts outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is challenging for you, it would be impossible for individuals like Trump. Thus, try to learn those concepts.
As an honest politician in the existent political system or Realpolitik, you are a part of humanity’s problem, and the government which you serve deserves what Thomas Paine said once:
”Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.”
With the mandated education of Article 26, you fully develop your personality and strengthen respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Wise education teaches you all aspects of life and causes you to understand abstract concepts like rights, justice, and law. In addition to those concepts, you will see another meaning of ”work” hidden from your eyes now. [consider the meaning of ”work” and its mathematical translation in the wise atmosphere in ”Extinction from Myth to Fact”]
As you can see, ”work” for a government doesn’t merely mean making roads, schools, or other things a government does now and that are necessary. Another aspect of ”work” is changing Reality to Truth, which is vital for humanity. Even a grasp of this sentence requires the UDHR-mandated education.
If you achieve such wise education and do impunity abrogating, you change your position from a part of the problem to a portion of the solution. In such circumstances, the government you serve deserves to be called an ”indispensable goodness” instead of ”a necessary evil”.