About morality in the UDHR

Morality is accepting and respecting the Rights of others and exercising the balance between Rights.
Every human is born with ”Innate Morality”, seated in the ”instinct of sympathy”.
”Innate Morality” is the essence of human unification and enhancement of dispersed humans to Humanity if it can grow to ”Developed Morality” through suitable education, as described in the UDHR’s Article 26.

”Innate Morality” and its signals allow a newborn human to publicise his presence and claim his place in the human family.
”Innate Morality” signals are simple and persuasive. They are:

I am human; you are human.
We are members of humanity.
I have rights; you have rights.

Wise Education directs humans toward the full development of personality where Innate Morality signals will ascend to ”Developed Morality” with a trait that makes those values universal and independent from all regions and ideologies. Thus, ”Developed Morality Codes” is ”Secular Moral Values”:

1. I am human; you are human.

2. We are members of humanity.

3. I have rights; you have rights.

4. I accept and respect your rights. I expect you to do the same thing with my rights.

5. I am ready to help you achieve your rights because you are important to me, and help you make me happy.

6. I am your ally; you are my ally.

7. We have a common interest, which is staying alive and enjoying our life.

8. We have a common enemy, which is death. It has ambushed us to take our life.

9. We are a combination of ”self-interest” and ”selflessness”. I am ready to ignore my ”self-interest” for you when it is necessary or you are in danger.

Developed Morality includes and acknowledges our shared humanity’s fundamental principles: respecting each other’s rights and balancing self-interest and selflessness.
I or any others who embrace these values can claim to possess a fully developed personality because we believers accept, respect, and balance the rights of others, independent of religious affiliations.
Thus, calling the above moral values ”Secular Morality” is a suitable term because it is based on accepting, respecting and balancing Rights without originating from any religion.