Cooperation among humans is a middle chain link. Achieving true cooperation is impossible without its previous links.
Goal-setting, Coherence, and Coordination should occur before approaching ”Cooperation”.
Goal-setting starts with the Discovery of the ”Meaning of Life”. We are putting it as the ”Ultimate Goal”, which causes Coherence among humans and enhances us as a coherent system that we call ”Humanity”. Thus, if we want ”Cooperation” among humans, we should go back to the start of a procedure and begin with ”Goal-setting”.
The following figure, taken from Volume One, page 33, depicts the process.
Of course, understanding the illustrated process is complicated without sufficient education—which is mandated in Paragraph Two of Article 26.
Accepting human rights orally and signing the UDHR cannot cause the ”Member States” to ”achieve, in co-operation with the United Nations, the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms,” as the preamble’s paragraph demands and Article 22 requires it internationally.