About a democratic society in the UDHR

A democratic society is a human association established on accepting, respecting and exercising balance between the rights of all humans.

In any circumstance, if even one right of an individual human is denied, disregarded and violated because of the willpower of other members of society, Democracy will perish no matter whether such willpower is imposed on the individual through election or not.

When choosing and being chosen leads to a condition where a human cannot get his particular place in society according to his dignity (inherent talents and abilities), and he is deprived of that place, we will have a non-democratic society controlled by a mechanism that we must call it ”rule of non-law”, but the powerful men desire to name it ”rule of law”.

Whereas the foundation of a ”non-law” is denying and violating the rights of others and exercising injustice(=imbalance between rights), violating human rights in the ”rule of non-law” is inevitable.

What is the difference between one dictator violating your rights —asserted in the UDHR— or a few million doing it because they are a majority?

Equalising Democracy with the ”ballot box” and the ”willpower of the majority” is a fatal fallacy that has led to the tyranny of the majority.

The majority’s despotism, if didn’t lead society toward an individual autocracy, can lead to Capitalcracy instead of Democracy.

For instance, in March 1933, eligible voters in Germany participated in general elections.

Nazi Party (NSDAP), with 43.91%, won the election, and because other parties had fewer votes —Social Democratic Party (SPD) in second place had 18.25%— NSDAP gained government.  

In the German general elections on March 5, 1933, approximately 39 million of the 45 million eligible voters participated, representing a turnout of about 88.8%. Thus, six million voters didn’t participate in the general elections. In other words, 17,124,900 voters chose Nazists.
In 1933, the population of Germany was approximately 66 million people.
So, 17 million people determined the fate of another 49 million people and imposed their destructive will on them.

The mistake of those 17 million people not only caused their own misery in the following years but also destroyed the lives of 49 million people who had no role in bringing the Nazis to power.

The votes of the majority at that time could guarantee the minority’s right —even one individual citizen— that election occurs in a wise atmosphere where the voters can choose between wise and wiser. Only wise politicians with fully developed personalities can understand and enforce the UDHR.

The difference between wise politicians is their competence and ability to enforce the UDHR better. Otherwise, all of them, as wise humans, sincerely commit to human rights. 

When people compare the politicians’ wisdom and competence and choose their leaders from wiser politicians, such a process is a True Democracy because human rights would be guaranteed for all members of society. 

In such circumstances, even when the majority choose the less wise politicians, all citizens’ rights would be respected via the ”rule of law”; however, such politicians’ work wouldn’t have the same quality that wiser politicians could render to society.