Some explanations about definitions:
1. The purpose of maintaining a list of definitions is to enhance the reading experience of Bahman Azadfar’s Six Volumes. However, readers will encounter these definitions sequentially within the books. Since the concepts are frequently repeated across various pages, it may be challenging for readers to remember all the definitions and the specific pages on which they appear.
2. Also, the list will help people who only want to know some concepts’ definitions without having the possibility to read those Six Volumes. This group of people referring to the list should note that although these concepts can be understood and used outside the main text, the process of forming the definitions can only be understood in the book’s text.
3. Each definition in the list is accompanied by the letter ”V”, followed by a volume number, and a number after the comma indicates the page where the concept is first defined. For example, ”Serious: V2, 62” signifies that it is found in Volume Two on page 62.
4. It’s important to note that the list is organised in the order of appearance of concepts in the books rather than in alphabetical order. You can click on each expression to access its definition.
- Change
- Humanity
- Thermodynamics
- Entropy
- Wisdom
- Abstract Word
- Concept
- Knowledge
- Right
- Life
- Justice
- System
- Balance
- Order
- Sufficient Energy
- Ideology
- Instinct
- Morality
- Dignity
- Happiness
- Freedom
- Anti-freedom
- Wise Logic
- Conscience
- Truth
- A Package of Supplies
- Control
- Decision
- Brain
- Mind
- Mental
- Psychology
- Consciousness
- Intelligence
- Question
- Answer
- The Meaning of Life
- The Establishment
- Serious
- Criticism
- Sui-criticus
- Alius-criticus
- Purpose of Criticism
- Competence
- Worldview
- Ethics
- Conspiracy
- Culture
- Philosophy
- Philosopher
- Law
- Logic
- Jungle Logic
- Wise Logic (Moral Logic)
- True Law
- Jungle Law
- Fatal Intelligence
- Work
- Coherence
- Coercive Control
- Non-law
- Situation Zero
- True Politics
- Realpolitik
- True Politician
- True Government
- Real Politician
- Real Government
- Sovereignty
- Moral Control
- Immoral Anti-control (Jungle Logic)
- Preventive Justice
- Populism
- Haleism
- Haleist

See more definitions and explanations in ”The UDHR, a Serious Text”